Welcome to my Magicial World *** Where Magical Things Happen*** My Studio's name is Crow Haven Farm! Beware...The Crow Is Always Watching and Creating! I am a self-taught Mixed-Media Artist residing in Pennslyvania. All my pieces are one-of-a-kind originals. You can visit me at www.crowhavenfarm.etsy.com CHEERS TO ALL!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I've been so busy lately with my day job (Law). We are having construction done and the office painted, so I've been packing up the office for the past two weeks and now it's over...well...for the time being. Our office is closing for two days so hopefully during those two days I'll have off, I'll be able to spend all of that time in my studio. Here are some pictures of what I've been working on and toying with new techniques and some pics of my studio:

Here are some custom orders I'm working on for Christmas. Get your orders in soon.... Christmas will be here before you know it. Yesterday, Mt. Pocono got hit with 16 inches of snow...ALREADY...and it's not even November yet!

I love working with Golden Products... my only wish is that they would bring down their prices a bit! LOL

I moved my Eb tree into my studio. My beautiful and talented sister-in-law made this for me on day that I really needed cheering up! God Bless Her! I'm very lucky to have a sister-in-law that I adore! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.... I'm finishing up here at work...hehehe, and heading home to be in my studio for the next 4 days... I sure hope my husband sends some food under the door for me! LOL
Before I leave...I also just found out that Christine from dubuhdudesigns.typepad.com is in Art Doll Quarterly as well.... here is view of her amazing dolls and article...I'm hoping that I am able to get one of her dolls as my Christmas present...when she puts them in her esty shop...you have to be fast! Congrats.... CHRISTINE!

Monday, October 27, 2008
Halloween Party Missed!

GUSTUN...the waiter for the evening! Drinks anyone?
Oh, Please can we come to the party? These guys so wanted to attend the party, but they weren't dressed yet! LOL My basket full of Art Dolls, just waiting for life to begin!
The table where we all sat...looks kinda empty?
The Field trip to the Haunted HOUSE! oohhhhspooky!Dinner at LAST!
I hope you all enjoyed the Halloween FESTIVITIES AT THE STUDIO AT CROW HAVEN FARM... more to follow!