I hope you all had a wonderful, happy, and safe Christmas! It's hard to believe that it's over and we are heading into 2010 shortly! As we gather our thoughts and writing down our "New Year's Resolutions"... (please, I'm lucky if I commit to one of them, but I do try!!! HAHAHA). However, for those of you out there in blog land, make a commitment to start an "Art Journal." You will never regret it and you will find such peace and freedom in this art form. I have only been doing Art Journaling for a very short time, and it's really helped me with ideas and my sketching. It has also given me the freedom to do whatever I want. Over Christmas break I continued working on my Art Journals and here is a sneak at some of my pages. Now, mind you, an Art Journal you don't have to finish it in one sitting...some of these pages I work on for months...that is the beauty of the Art Journal...there is no AGENDA! It's just you and your Art Journal...Try it, I promise you that you will always continue on this path!

Pop in a movie while you are working on your Art Journal...Remember, it's just you having fun!
One of my Art Journals. I have several going all at once! WHOOOHOOO
More Sketches
Grab yourself some Adirondack Color Wash Sprays...These things are freaking AWESOME!

Cut-up paper towels and use gel medium...Look at how much fun you can have with a PAPER TOWEL!
This is the Journal Page I did for "Create and Pass the Journal" over at "Art From the Heart!
My Angel Page from the workshop I'm taking over at

This piece that I'm working on is from Angel Workshop with Suzi Blu. I am having loads of fun with this. She isn't done, but she is getting closer to being completed.
Still working on this piece. I keep switching her colors. By doing so, it's creating really cool layers and textures.
A Basket Full of "Works in Progress." It takes time considering all of the layers of paint these little suckers require! LOL

I love peeking in your studio to see what you are up too,, very inspiring!!!
ohh and I am with you on the books and chocolate. I love art books..
Thank you for sharing!!
Love all your art journals. I start them and then I don't go back and finish them or even work on them. I am bad about that. I will try to do better this coming year!!
Happy New Year
Hello Lovely! Once again, you prove how crazy busy and super prolific you are! You are amazing! Love everything, your sketches are soooo pretty!
Hope you have a great New Year!
Happy New Year! I love your angels and your art journaling. So much to look at. :)
Your art journal is beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Wonderful post, I'm so glad this year is over, but I made lots of new blog friends which is the best part of 2009! I have books of sketches, I suppose that is not a journal, but it is all I can commit too, most of the time, I see you have the Human Figure Sketch Book, of John Vanderpoel, I have a blog on him
my family owns the original pencil sketches housed in the historical gallery in Chicago. Some friend trivia LOL
Happy New Year
did you try LaDoll Clay yet? it is fab
Happy New Year Michelle ~ you are so inspiring! Those Art Journals have all fabulous art pages!
I love the ornies you made from the cloth and clay group...
Ans as soon as I can take a breath I'm going to show the blog land peoples the wonderful, generous gift you sent me...
Thanks again so much : )
I got my blank books today!! Now, my committment is to once a week, but collecting images and items during the week. I am wondering if a year of Monsters would work well for a nice journal for the year???
Love all the pictures. Happy New Year, My Friend!!
Hope you had a wonderful did you manage to get so much work done. I have been terribly lazy. Love the little ornies!
Hey, crazy lady! That's it. I'm convinced you never sleep.
Your head sketches and paintings are fabulous! Love some of their winsome expressions. I would love to see some of these angels made up as dolls...hint, hint...wink, wink.
I wish you another succesful year of fabulous creations. As far as New Year's resolutions go, there's always Chinese New Year in :o)
Are the journals from a Suzi Blu class? Thanks for sharing.
love the art journals
Hello My Beautiful Friend:) I trust you had an amazing Christmas!
Your journals look like they are full of heart and soul and are incredible....might just have to give that a whirl some day...hehe
I do love your girls, they are sooo sweet and your dolls always bring a smile to my face:) Thanks for being such an inspiration:)
May 2010 bring you only good thing!!!
Lots of Love
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing. I love to see your creative process!
Love your posts Michelle! I always come away from your blog feeling so inspired to just get busy and create! Your art journals are awesome (love the paper towel idea! ) and your little girl ornies are just too
Wishing you a super-duper New Year!!
your art journalling is very inspirational - love your angels :)
You're doing an excellent job on your paintings!
Wishing you a wonderful New Year--Prost :)
Hey busy bee mish xxx heres wishing you & family lotsa magical wonder and happiness for 2010....big hugs ..mwah xxxxxx Trace xxxxxxx
Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise Duit!
Happy new Year !
Fantastic display of creativity!
i love your dolls, sketches, journal pages and paintings! it looks like we've taken a lot of the same online classes, too. ;) i can't wait for misty's painting faces workshop. i'm looking forward to seeing more of your artwork. happy new year!
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