LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW...I know a lot of us are getting hit with SNOW, and I'm so loving it! We took these pictures on December 5th...The First Snow of 2009! LOL

I asked LuLu Kellogg from Coastal Sisters (and a DAG Member) to design some Certificate of Authenticity's for my designs under "Crow Abbey Designs by Michelle Schafer." LuLu did a fantastic job in capturing what I wanted. LuLu will design anything for you and send you the design so you can have them printed. I had mine printed over at They did a fantastic job and shipping was really fast!
You can order your Daily Diary for 2010 by going here: Make sure you check out the link to see all of the fabulous artists that were involved with this project.

Okay, many of you have been asking me about DAG "Dark Artists Guild." DAG has decided to move the Forum to DAG GrimCity. We will no longer be on NING. Our new Forum is under construction, and will be ready for new Members and Fans on January 1, 2010. MarZel, The Goblin, and Myself are very excited for 2010 and what we have planed for DAG GrimCity. Stay tuned for more details.
I'm looking forward to getting home from work...yes, I'm posting my blog from WORK (shhhhhh don't tell anyone)...and settling in to watch some Christmas DVDs in my big chair with my pencils and sketchbooks. Since we don't have TV, we load up on DVDs. I just got the newest Harry Potter (the 6th movie), and was a little disappointed. I guess that is what happens when a new Director takes over. Oh well, at least the book was good! LOL
As for my weekend...I will be working in the STUDIO, watching my workshop videos from the newest Suzi Blu Workshop on "ANGELS" and getting some Holiday Art Dolls Completed. I hope you all have a wonderful and creative weekend. Always make time to create art, even if it's for 5 min a will thank yourself!
Make sure you stop by and get your orders in. LuLu also designs blog banners, etsy banners, and all kinds of other goodies. Any Artist that creates and sells their works, should have these for their customers!
Check out Coastal Sisters Blog/Website
The other day, I finally got my Diary for 2010 from the "DIARY PROJECT" that I participated in. Here is my page that will appear in the Daily Diary for 2010. Fantazya did a wonderful job getting these Diaries together!

Okay, many of you have been asking me about DAG "Dark Artists Guild." DAG has decided to move the Forum to DAG GrimCity. We will no longer be on NING. Our new Forum is under construction, and will be ready for new Members and Fans on January 1, 2010. MarZel, The Goblin, and Myself are very excited for 2010 and what we have planed for DAG GrimCity. Stay tuned for more details.

You have been busy. Everything looks wonderful...congrats on your new endeavor....Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Hello Miss!
Haha, as usual you are sooo busy! Congrats, congrats congrats on the website, I know it will be a hoot!
I love the diary and thanks for the heads up on DAG:::sigh:::one of these days I'll have to get all dark and funky up in here!
Humbug! There is NO snow in New York City, just frickin' cold and wind blowing! Everywhere else is snow and I figure, hey, if it's gonna be cold it might as well snow, right?? :)
Happy Holidays my Friend!
Hi Mishie!
You are so welcome my dear and I am glad they turned out so well. Thanks a bunch for the shout out :)
The snow looks so pretty on your farm. Ahhhhhh, looks like a wonderful place to sit and have hot chocolate and marshmallows (or an adult bevvie) and watch it snow!!
Hope you have a creative weekend :)
Wow, that snow is so pretty, never see any of that anymore, but thanks for sharing your snowy pics
Congrats on the new upcoming Web site
you go girl, I suppose fruit loops should become part of my 2010 diet, so I can keep up with you super girl
your fairy friend
Michelle, your snow pictures are hauntingly beautiful! Our snow has already melted away. Can't wait to see your website - perhaps it will light a fire under me. Mine has been sitting dormant and empty for two years now. Happy holidays! Lisa
Those snow photos are wonderful! It really looks like Christmas (and it really looks COLD!!!)
You look as busy as me!!! It was so good to hear from you! Let me know when you get your new blog launched. Will you still keep this one going? BTW, White Christmas is my all time favorite Christmas movie and I play it every year while I trim my Christmas tree! I saw it in one of your photos and just had to mention that and!!!! Yall have a lot of snow!!! We had a little the other day, that just stuck on the cars and the tops of the trees and bushes. It was fabulous!!!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and an even happier New Year!!!
Linda :)
Best wishes for all your new endeavors! 2010 will rock!
I'd love to get together again sometime in the new year....but until then, I wish you a
very Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Congratulations, it looks just perfect!!!
Thanks for the info on DAG and I look forward to seeing the new site AND to seeing yours!!!
Beautiful pictures! It looks like a winter wonderland! I have something for you on my blog :)
Wow... Your snow pictures are beautiful! I can't wait to get some snow here... ^_^ Happily anticipating both your & DAG's new pages! Have happy Winter holidays! :D
The 1st snow was FUN & pretty! '-)
Have a great weekend!
Chris (-:
Woohoo! A new exciting! And I love your certificates...they are super! I need to get me some of those! The new DAG site sounds great too! Keep us posted.
Merry Christmas
Well BUSY as usual I see :)...Best of Luck to you Michelle with your new Website and new Ventures!
Love the snow pics and love those trees especially! Spooky.
Such perfect depiction of the season. nature in white-just beautiful!
Congratulations on the new website...everthing looks so professional & individual. I'm sure it'll be a success!
Happy Christmastime Michelle
Keep the snow there!
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