Greetings and Salutations from the Studio! 
Well, after a few months of Holiday preparing, running around like a chicken with its head cut-off, wrapping, buying, selling, creating, phone calls to families and friends, decorating, weathering snow storms, reading the latest Stampington publications, blogging, participating in various groups, challenges, listening to Christmas Music 24/7, working on various workshops, writing, painting, drawing, sketching, laughing, crying, screaming...IT's ALL OVER! Yeah,'s only beginning! LOL
I hope you all had a WONDERFUL and SAFE Holiday Season and now are preparing to conquer 2010! To jump start everyone...Marie over at EVB Studios is offering a wonderful workshop for only $10.00 entitled "INTENTION COOKIES." What a wonderful idea and I started making mine New Year's Eve.
I used acrylic washes and added a bit of a black wash to them after they dried. Once the paint was completely dried, I then sprayed them with Triple Thick Spray.
Once your Intention Cookies are done, slip a message into them so that your intentions come true! These make great gifts and it's so cool to place them around your house to keep you focused on your goals. Check out and join the fun. You can't beat the price of this workshop! Enjoy
New Items Added to
Whispers the 3rd
The Gossip Girls...and boy do they Gossip!
Working on some portraits!
Love working in my Journals. I love the fact that you don't have to complete the pages...I just keep adding collage elements, texture, and lots of paint. Try it, you'll LOVE IT!
Sorry about the pages being sideways...can't seem to figure that one out! LOL
More Sketches in my Moleskine!