Greetings & Salutations Everyone!
Happy Friday...Well, I've kicked up my Friday and currently working on some File Folders for my Journal that I'm doing for the Journal Junkin Workshop. I haven't made my cover yet, but will get to that soon. I'm having way to much fun with these folders. It's amazing how you can keep adding, and adding and keep adding to these fabulous folders. This is a very inexpensive way to test out new products, work out ideas and to see what colors look good together. I have the first layer down, which is the paint and now I'm adding the 2nd Layer with lots of different stencils, rubber stamps, found objects for added textures. The 3rd layer will be more paint, and more paint! I would really like to have at least 5 or 6 layers on these before I start adding collage pages, magazine pages, etc. Give it a Go! LOL

I am also working on playing with my Shiva Oil Sticks. I learned how to use these when I took Misty Mawn's Workshop over the Winter. LOVE THESE OIL STICKS. You can also use your oil paints after the first layer is dry. I'm waiting for this piece to dry and then go back in and add more coloring and shading to her features. Can't wait to see this done!
My girlfriend, Anita, had this book sent to me from my favorite place...AMAZON.COM! If this is the only drawing and/or art book that you get, get this one. IT's broken down into 52 Chapters which gives you 52 weeks of various drawing techniques, etc. The First Chapter is "Draw Cats in Bed." I have been a big fan of Carla Sonheim and her little girls that she draws. I'm so glad she put this book out. Apparently this is a new series of books entitled "Lab Series" by Quarry Books and they have another one entitled "Collage Lab" by Bee Shay, and yes that is in my Amazon Cart! LOL
Here are some new sketches that I'm working on. There is nothing like lots of sketch art books and a ton of pencils and art goodies all around you. I have this big bucket with all kinds of pencils, colored pencils, etc...and I carry that damn thing around like it's Linus' Blanket! LOL You should see me when I take my bucket to the local Pubs! LOL