Welcome to my Magicial World *** Where Magical Things Happen*** My Studio's name is Crow Haven Farm! Beware...The Crow Is Always Watching and Creating! I am a self-taught Mixed-Media Artist residing in Pennslyvania. All my pieces are one-of-a-kind originals. You can visit me at www.crowhavenfarm.etsy.com CHEERS TO ALL!
This award is just not about Christmas. Christmas should be in our hearts everyday of our lives, in everything we do, say and feel. Christmas isn't about how many presents are under the tree, what gift should I get this person, how much should I spend, going crazy at the stores, waiting in lines, stress of buying, wrapping, what to cook, what to wear to this party and that party, etc...The Spirit of Christmas is about LOVE! Love this world desperately needs from each and everyone of us! The Spirit of Christmas is about GIVING. Not gifts...Giving of ourselves, helping one another get through the bad and good times! The Spirit of Christmas is about Truth. Truth in ourselves, our beliefs, whatever they are! The Spirit of Christmas is about LIVING! Living a life that encompasses Compassion. Compassion for every human being, animal, nature and our earth.
Just think how this world would be if we had the Spirit of Christmas in our hearts EVERYDAY OF OUR LIVES!
May we all strive to live everyday of our lives with the Spirit of Christmas in our hearts!
As the King himself said "Oh Why Can't Everyday Be Like Christmas."