It's Sunday and it's raining...Now if anyone knows me, they know that I absolutely love the rain. I'm so not the Summer person, however...I've been told that I need to get more Vitamin D in me by my friend. LOL A little sun won't hurt anyone. I told her that I will get my sun from planting my flowers! So by the looks of the shop here.... I think I'll be good with the Vitamin D! I just love shops like this... they are so inviting and just screams..... PLANT ME, PLANT ME, PLANT ME! I took this picture while we were walking the side streets in Paris, France. Amazing City... everyone should see Paris at least once in their lifetime!
Yesterday, I went to my girlfriends studio and what a great time we had. She changed her studio and made it brighter and it looks really, really big now, AND as usual, I went home went home with bags of goodies.... She is just way cool!
I'm very proud of her for getting her art out and getting it published. She got invited by Michael deMeng and Judy to have her pieces sold at an Art Show in Colorado this year. She has to have the pieces done in a month... God Bless her. When the Muse takes her...look out! When that happens, I won't be going to her studio because she'll be up for a week and things will be a flying. LOL She is also waiting to hear from Art Doll Quarterly if she got the Cover. Keep your fingers crossed for her...she has worked very hard for the past 20 years and time is due!
You can check out her BLOG at
http://www.wadsworthnollstudio.blogspot.com/Well I'm going to go have my JAVA and figure out the days events...I might stay in the studio today or I just might sit outside on the porch and watch the rain all day with a good book!
Enjoy, Dance, Sing, and Tell Someone Today ...YOU LOVE THEM!
Be Well and CHEERS TO ALL!