Welcome to my Magicial World *** Where Magical Things Happen*** My Studio's name is Crow Haven Farm! Beware...The Crow Is Always Watching and Creating! I am a self-taught Mixed-Media Artist residing in Pennslyvania. All my pieces are one-of-a-kind originals. You can visit me at www.crowhavenfarm.etsy.com CHEERS TO ALL!
We hope you enjoyed your stay here with us and come back again for another spot of tea!
Until Next Time...I'm off to paint by tushy off and join in on the other parties around the World!
Now today, at some point, I will be catching up with all of your blogs. Please forgive me if I haven't been to see you over the past week. I promise I will be checking up on all of you guys today. That is my goal! I received an email from that little spit fire of an artist, SONIA...and apparently she has tried her hand at some journal pages...Sonia, I will be by to check out your fabulous pages! I'm really proud of you that you are taking some of the techniques that I have been posting and using them in your art! WHOOOHOOO... Can't wait to visit you!
So to add to your journaling techniques, here are some more for you to play with:
Distressing your journal page or mixed-media canvas:
Just look at what this page is going to look like when paint is added!
Here is another technique you can use on your journal pages or canvas. Take some paint (make sure it's a very thing wash) I added Golden's Acrylic Glazing Medium in Satin. Use a foam brush and lightly apply the paint to your page and then take a baby wipe and lift off some of the paint. Look at the cool effect you get. You can then go in and add bits of color with your paints or watercolor crayons. Fun, Fun, Fun!
I'm also working on getting my Element Art Doll Challenge completed for ADO's Blog Event. Make sure you sign up and play along with us over at http://www.artdollsonly.blogspot.com/ Sign up begins June 19th. This is what "EARTHLING" looks like now. Believe me, he is not done yet!