Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Wishing you all a very Happy and Safe July 4th!

Don't forget, if you have time, make sure you work on your Art Journals or do something creative! I'll be working on my workshops that I'm currently enrolled in and catching up with my bloggers. Here are a few things that I have been working on. I hope you enjoy them.

This Journal below is heading to Australia and should be there by Tuesday of Next Week. I'm involved with a Round Robin over at and this was the first Journal I ever made. I think I'm going to stick to buying my journals instead of actually trying to make them. The signatures took me forever to figure out! LOL

Still working on my Pencil Drawing Workshop. This a lifetime Workshop! LOL



Anonymous said...

Happy 4th to you too Michelle!

It's so not my favorite holiday...

The firecrackers and bottle rockets going on into the wee hours of the night and morning....

My cat and chickens being terrified...

What happened to sparkles and to be by 10~: )

Have a safe one...

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Hoping you & yours have a wonderful 4th of July holiday weekend!

Chris :-)

peggy gatto said...

What beautiful pages!!!
Happy 4th!

3rdEyeMuse said...

wishing you a sweetest corn & great company sort of 4th with much creating over the weekend, too!

your journal pages are wonderful!! so much color and textural goodness!!

Julie said...

I love your artwork in your journals! I've got to try that one of these days...Happy fourth to you as well! Enjoy your weekend & happy creating! x

Anonymous said...

Whops forgot to tell you how wonderful your journal pages are... and the eyes for the pencil workshop are beautiful~

Phil said...

Hey Crow, thanks for stopping by and looking at the pix of the old house. it is fantastic, if crumbling. Caroline says hey and we are going to play the lottery so we can restore that house! Ha!
Happy Holiday to you and your family!

icandy... said...

Happy 4th right back atcha! That's some really cool stuff your working on! Keep it up! :)


Crissi Harvey said...

Happy 4th of July to you michelle have a great day.
loveing your journal work you doing

hugs crissi xx

Lenae May said...

OHHH MYYY!!! I LOVE your work! Wonderful characters!

Deirdra Doan said...

Oh I love seeing your dolls out having fun at the tea party...seeing the different ones is little groups.

What drawing class are you talking about that is life time? How do you like and compare the Suzi and the other the way your work looks really great...

I am thinking of teaching my class for Art and Soul in PA to my cousin and maybe you if you are available before I leave...Friday or Sat. the July 24-26th. HOw is your vacation time coming? When is that..?
Happy 4th.

Sue said...

Wonderful journal pages Michelle!

Wishing you a happy and safe July 4th weekend.

peggy gatto said...

Back again to say thanks for coming by my blog!!

nancye williams said...

What wonderful work you are doing. There is just stopping you! Hope you had a safe and happy 4th as well. I made a doll and I like her. Not themed around the 4th though. Still working on my Girls of Summer Doll. Boy, it's almost over. gotta go to court next Friday. Every time I go I think of you. Starting a new class soon. Isn't this internet wonderful? Think how long it would have taken us meet without it.

nancye williams said...

What wonderful work you are doing. There is just stopping you! Hope you had a safe and happy 4th as well. I made a doll and I like her. Not themed around the 4th though. Still working on my Girls of Summer Doll. Boy, it's almost over. gotta go to court next Friday. Every time I go I think of you. Starting a new class soon. Isn't this internet wonderful? Think how long it would have taken us meet without it.

nancye williams said...

What wonderful work you are doing. There is just stopping you! Hope you had a safe and happy 4th as well. I made a doll and I like her. Not themed around the 4th though. Still working on my Girls of Summer Doll. Boy, it's almost over. gotta go to court next Friday. Every time I go I think of you. Starting a new class soon. Isn't this internet wonderful? Think how long it would have taken us meet without it.

Janine said...

You did all of these pages? They are wonderful! I have to learn more about what you are doing so right now I am going back to read up! How exciting!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

These are some awesome journal pages. Thanks for sharing.

Susan said...

Gorgeous journal pages! My first visit to your blog, but not the last.

Skellyton Art said...

I see you are SOoo busy as usual! Great pages Michelle! I hope you had a good holiday. Ours was VERY wet. :(


Unknown said...

Love the journaling...Happy belated 4th. Playing catch up on blogs...Been busy with relatives...Back to the art room this week...

Sonia ;)

Anonymous said...

I love your artwork!


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