I've been tagged by 3 different, amazing, talented, beautiful, fabulous Artist's and I feel completely honored that they took the time out of their crazy schedules to TAG ME! So, with that said...whooohooooo!
The First Artist that tagged me is Sue, from Barton Originals, you can find her amazing art dolls over at http://www.bartonoriginals.blogspot.com/ Here I have to list 6 random things about myself! eeeeekkkkk I'm afraid! LOL
1. I always put my tea bags in the kitchen sink instead of the garbage can! This drives my husband crazy, because the garbage can is right next to the sink! LOL
2. I'm terribly afraid of heights, however, I love jumping out of helicopters with my snowboard attached to my feet! LOL
3. I have watch the BBC program "As Time Goes By" about a MILLION TIMES and will continue watching it until my DVD's blow apart! Which reminds me...I need to buy another complete set before that happens! LOL
4. I talk and sing in my sleep...apparently my husband tells me I love sing out "Little Red Rooster"....what.....rosster...what.... I guess I must have this secret desire to own some Red Rooster's... But, if that is the case, they better look like Pattee's! hehehehehe (ADO Team Members will get that one!)
5. I cannot go to bed unless the house is organized, the dishes are done and the coffee is made... I know, I know...this why I probably get 3 hours a sleep a night and have brain farts at work! LOL
6. I sing, I dance, I laugh, I love the color PINK, I giggle, I paint, I sculpt, I sew, I play, I cry, I eat spinach, I hate peas, I love hot dogs and sauerkraut, I love pizza, I love BEER, I love WHITE WINE, I absolutely adore Vodka and Cranberry Juice, I love watching old movies, I love black and white photographs, I love GLITTER, I love art magazines, I love ART DOLLS, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE BEING IN A COMMUNITY FULL OF CREATIVE SPIRIT, ENERGY, AND LIFE!
I sure hope I did this right! giggle, giggle, giggle!

This is what you have to do when getting tagged: You must take the 4th picture in your picture folder on your computer and post it! After you do this, list 4 other bloggers and their blog address on your post and notify them that they have been tagged with the 4th picture tag! So here are my 4 Bloggers I tagged:
The Third Artist that tagged me is the crazy, brilliant, coolest chick, Jacqui from http://odddollz.blogspot.com/ has tagged me to post the fourth picture in the fourth file in my computer! So here it is:

The idea here is just to have fun and tag 4 other unsuspecting people to do this as well.
The four Bloggers I tagged are:
1. Dani~ at http://www.ambitionsdesign.blogspot.com/Thank you all for thinking of me and sharing your worlds with me!